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Self-Hosted Static Homepages: Dashy Vs. Homer

Authors: Brandon Hopkins, Suparna Ganguly

Self-hosted homepages are a great way to manage your home lab or cloud services. If you’re anything like me chances are, you have a variety of docker containers, media servers, and NAS portals all over the place. Using simple bookmarks to keep track of everything often isn’t enough. With a self-hosted homepage, you can view everything you need from anywhere. And you can add integrations and other features to help you better manage everything you need to.

Dashy and Homer are two separate static homepage applications. These are used in home labs and on the cloud to help people organize and manage their services, docker containers, and web bookmarks. This article will overview exactly what these self-hosted homepages have to offer.


Dashy is a 100% free and open-source, self-hosted, highly customizable homepage app for your server that has a strong focus on privacy. It offers an easy-to-use visual editor, widgets, status checking, themes, and lots more features. Below are the features that you can avail yourself of with Dashy.

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You can customize your Dashy as how you want to fit in your use case. From the UI, choose from different layouts, show/hide components, item sizes, switch themes, and a lot more. You can customize each area of your dashboard. There are config options available for custom HTML header, footer, title, navbar links, etc. If you don’t need something, just hide it!

Dashy offers multiple color themes having a UI color editor and support towards custom CSS. Since all of the properties use CSS variables, it is quite easy to override. In addition to themes, you can get a host of icon options, such as Font-Awesome, home lab icons, Material Design Icons, normal images, emojis, auto-fetching favicons, etc.
